The Finer Points Of Craft Coffee Tasting
Coffee tasting is an art and science that takes years to master. However, even the beginner coffee taster can begin to appreciate the nuances of flavor in a cup of coffee. In case you are wondering what exactly it is that separates a good cup of coffee from a great cup of coffee, we've got you covered with this guide to coffee tasting. AROMAIn tasting, aroma is how pleasantly the coffee calls your sense of smell. ACIDITYAcidity is the pleasing brightness or sharpness in a coffee. It can be intense or mild, round or edgy, elegant or wild, and everything in between. BODYThis is the sense of weight or...
Because the roasting process is what reveals a coffee bean’s unique characteristics “care” is the essential word for roasting craft coffee. There are three basic roasting categories: light, medium, and dark. LIGHT ROASTSLight roasts retain most of the original characteristics of a coffee bean (as well as its caffeine content), but can be a bit more acidic. MEDIUM ROASTSAcidity begins to drop, while most characteristics are preserved. DARK ROASTSTypically considered the smoothest roasts, though they can lose some flavor complexity. Ever have a cup of coffee that tastes burned? Roasters that get so large that they have to supply enormous quantities of coffee beans ensure consistency by over-roasting their various...